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St Macartan's PS, Roslea, Co. Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

24th Nov 2022
The P5 and P6 classes have thoroughly enjoyed their weekly ceili dancing lessons...
24th Nov 2022
A snapshot  of the primary one and two play activities which were completed ...
24th Nov 2022
We held a special assembly in school to celebrate Master Mulligan and to wish him...
23rd Nov 2022
Last week was Anti-Bullying week and its theme this year was ‘Reach out’. ...
22nd Nov 2022
Christmas Dinner will be served  the 8th December 
22nd Nov 2022
17th Nov 2022
We had great success in Lisnaskea feis this year. Well done to each and every...
16th Nov 2022
Primary 6 and 7 have been measuring using various methods....  trundle wheels,...
14th Nov 2022