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St Macartan's PS, Roslea, Co. Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

5th Apr 2023
The Primary 5, 6 and 7 classes enjoyed the wonderful weather by taking out their...
4th Apr 2023
St. Macartan’s Staff and Governors want to give a big shout out to all who...
31st Mar 2023
Primary 6 and 7 attended a GAA development day in the GAA grounds in Donagh on Monday....
27th Mar 2023
The Primary 1 - Primary 4 pupils had a great day on their trip to Florence Court...
16th Mar 2023
P1 & P2 pupils made Mother's Day gifts and cards. They expressed their love...
16th Mar 2023
We need your help! See flyer attached.
16th Mar 2023
A snapshot of P.1 & P.2 play activities for Jan/Feb.