Access Keys:

St Macartan's PS, Roslea, Co. Fermanagh

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Chair Of Governors - Brian McManus
Chair Of Governors - Brian McManus
Governor For Child Protection - Paula O'Hara
Governor For Child Protection - Paula O'Hara
Designated Teacher For Child Protection - Caroline Rooney
Designated Teacher For Child Protection - Caroline Rooney
Deputy Designated Teacher For Child Protection - Melissa Williams
Deputy Designated Teacher For Child Protection - Melissa Williams

At St Macartan's Primary School we aim to work closely with parents/guardians in supporting all aspects of the child's development and well being. Any concerns a parent may have will be taken seriously and dealt with in a professional manner.

If a Parent has a concern:

I have a concern about my/a child's safety.

I can talk to the class teacher.

If I am still concerned, I can talk to the designated teacher for child protection (Mrs Rooney) or the deputy designated teacher (Mrs Williams).

If I am still concerned, I can talk/write to the Chair of the Board of Governors

(Mr Brian McManus).


If I am still concerned, I can contact the N.I. Public Services Ombudsman

Tel: 0800 343 424


At any time I can talk to a social worker at the Western Trust Gateway Team.

Tel: 028 71314 090

or the PSNI at the Central Referral Unit.

Tel: 999 (Emergency) or 101(Non-Urgent)